Payment Methods:
At Free Form Shop, we currently accept American Express (Amex), Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. We apologize for any inconvenience, and we are continuously working to expand our payment options in the future to better serve you.
Tax Information:
Sales Tax is applied to your order in accordance with individual state and local regulations. If your shipping address is in a state where retail stores, company establishments, or one of our partners are located, the corresponding tax will be applied. The total amount you pay when completing your order already includes all duties and taxes owed to local authorities. You will not need to pay any further fees when the package is delivered.
Payment Security:
At Free Form Shop, safeguarding your payment information is our top priority. Every transaction is processed with maximum security using Trustwave and Geotrust-certified secure servers. We employ the most advanced encryption services, including SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), to ensure the protection of your personal and financial data. You can identify our secure connections by the “https” URL prefix and the lock symbol that appears in your browser’s address bar. Additionally, for added security, you will always be prompted to enter your CVV code for every credit card transaction.
For any inquiries or concerns regarding payment, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We are dedicated to providing a safe and secure shopping experience for all our valued customers.